As with so much of Black history, there is more work to be done to unearth this history. If you have information to add or want to support this project, please contact us and please feel free to donate.


The 369th: Together, We Rose

The 369th: Together, We Rose Project is a research and documentary group based out of Monmouth University (MU) in West Long Branch, NJ. The purpose of the project is to examine the military and cultural history of the 369th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment during the WWII era, as well as the contributions of the 369th Veterans Association and the 369th Historical Society since the 1950s. This ongoing documentary project is based on original interviews conducted in 2004 with members of the 369th Veterans Association, additional interviews being currently conducted, as well as family photos and memorabilia, news articles, and other artifacts. The initial work suggests several important themes, including family, community, identity, masculinity, race, and social justice.


 “If every veterans group was as active as the 369th, that would be a thunderous voice against injustice.”

- Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)

  • Project Overview

    The WWII 369th Documentary Project is a research and documentary group based out of Monmouth University (MU) in West Long Branch, NJ. The purpose of the project is to examine the military and cultural history of the 369th Antiaircraft Artillery Regiment during the WWII era, as well as the contributions of the 369th Veterans Association and the 369th Historical Society since the 1950s. This ongoing documentary project is based on original interviews conducted in 2004 with members of the 369th Veterans Association, additional interviews being currently conducted, as well as family photos and memorabilia, news articles, and other artifacts. The initial work suggests several important themes, including family, community, identity, masculinity, race, and social justice.

  • The Mission

    The 369th, Together We Rose cinematically chronicles the untold story of lifelong friendship and camaraderie among men who served in a segregated unit during WWII. The documentary focuses on the voices and experiences of men who served as part of the 369th regiment in Harlem whose geographic background and military service allowed them to resist oppression and build community with respect, dignity, and pride. The documentary is framed by the larger history of Black resistance to show how factors outside of individuals greatly shape their lifelong bonds that impact both local and global communities.